: +91 8273201707

Crowdfunding Plan MlM Software Development Company in Moradabad

Crowdfunding Plan MlM Software Development Company in Moradabad

In Riddhi Software we provide the best Crowdfunding MLM software which manage all the MLM leaders and networker data and present various reports which makes easy to analyse your MLM Crowdfunding business. The Crowdfunding is a new concept that growing day-by-day in MLM business industry or referral marketing in current scenario all over the world. Any individual or group can start their own Crowd funding MLM business and can earn millions in a very short period. Start now the worlds latest plan based on Crowd funding. We offer online Crowdfunding MLM software to manage and control of your Crowdfunding MLM business.

Crowdfunding Plan MlM Software Development Company in Moradabad

Features of Crowdfunding Plan MlM Software

Create ( Create Member , Free Joining )
Downline ( Genealogy ( Generation / Referral Tree View ), Direct Sponsor , Direct Sponsor Active , Direct Sponsor InActive , Total Downline Member)
Profile ( My Profile , Update Profile Image , KYC Update , Change Password ,Forgot Password , Change Tran Password , Forgot Tran Password )
My Payout History ( Total Income , UnPaid Income , Received Income )
E-Wallet ( Wallet Amount , Request Wallet Amount, Transfer Wallet Amount , Wallet Statement )
E-Pin Account ( Generate E-Pins , E-Pin Transfer, E-Pin Transfer History , Received E-Pin History , Used E-Pin History , UnUsed E-Pins History )
Payout History ( Total Income , UnPaid Income , Paid Income )
Report ( Member List , Member Active, Member InActive , Member Block List)
KYC List ( Approved KYC, Reject KYC , Pending KYC)
Setting ( Set Plan, Set Income , Set Charges (Admin Charge % , TDS % ))

: +91 8273201707 , +91 9761607087